Becoming an Equal Partner in Community Development

Exploring nontraditional venues and partnerships can provide unique opportunities for the arts to take on a new role in the community – from the audiences we serve and where we serve them to the type of work we present and the partners with whom we engage. In this video case story, Intersection for the Arts’ former Executive Director, Deborah Cullinan, shares the experience of becoming part of the 5M Project, a new creative development initiative in San Francisco, and its placemaking component, 5M PlaceWorks, a transition that’s helping her organization explore a new model of service while making the arts a more integrated part of the community.

Learning objectives:

To demonstrate how embracing cross-sector partnerships can help the arts can become a key player in community development, how to initiate creative placemaking that is organic and respectful of the community and the importance of experiencing discomfort in order to effect real change


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