Creative Placemaking: 35,000-Foot View

We asked our Creative Community Fellows to talk about creative placemaking and the work they are currently doing in their communities. There were a lot of similar opinions that arose out of these conversations, but also some disconnect, disagreement and debate of what these terms and roles mean. Throughout the week we’re going to be showing you these conversations and taking a closer look at the results that really got us thinking. Take a look at the outcomes of these conversations overall:

How do you define “community?”

How do you see your role in the community?

Talk about the work you’re doing in your community:
What was the catalyst for this work? What started you on this journey?

What is the driving force? What continues to motivate the work?

Who is it for? Who benefits from this work?

When you hear the terms “cultural sector” or “arts and culture field” do you feel that includes you? Why or why not?

Why do you think people are talking about creative placemaking so much now?

Finally, fill in the blank: Creative/cultural work makes communities _______.


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